2023- A Year in Review! I have done a year in review post for the majority of the past 7 years, and I am one day away from missing it this year! I made it my goal during nap time today to make a post about wonderful 2023. As a small business owner and a […]
Friends! Libbs is here with another long, sentimental, reflective year in review blog post. Are you in it for the long haul? Trying to read all of my thoughts, accomplishments, and reflections from this past year? If not, it’s totally fine….I understand. How many reflective 2019 posts can one really read on social media? (for […]
How is 2018 already over?! I seriously feel like it was just yesterday that I sat at this computer for like 5 hours and wrote my 2017 year in review blog post (hahah, I am not kidding it took me like all day….this year I learned my lesson and spread it out a little!). I […]
Photo by Olivia Bane Photography Wow. This is about to be a long post, so settle in, grab a snack, and get ready. If you don’t want to read about my life for the past year as a photographer, I will not be offended! Just skim past my babbling and look at some of my […]
Practice makes perfect…that’s what they always say. I find it so interesting to look back on my photos and to reflect on how much I have grown as a photographer in the past 5 years. It is extremely humbling because when I look back I think…”WOW, I really did not understand exposure back then, or […]