Hope and Scott, two lovebirds from UNC, met freshman year as a part of Catholic Campus Ministries at their school and through the sport of soccer. As it was admitted to me on the photoshoot, Scott only played soccer to win Hope over…oh the things we do for love 😉 We started out on the soccer field, continued through campus and ended up at the spot where Scott proposed to Hope where we got to see a beautiful sunset over the water. The shoot could not have been more perfect! This couple’s relationship is based on friendship, faith and a whole lot of love. Hope and Scott, good luck in all of your future endeavors….especially next year as you move up to Boston College together!
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Meet Libby
Thank you for being here. My name is Libby, owner of Elizabeth Alice Photography. I am a newborn and portrait photographer in Raleigh, NC, and I adore my job! One of my favorite parts about being a photographer is getting to know my clients and being able to capture precious moments for you. I love seeing your families grow over the years, and have formed many lasting friendships through photography!
And I can't wait to get to know you!